2025 Coming soon
2024 Festival Staff:
- Dr. Robert Ambrose (Concert Band)
- Allan McMurray (Concert Band)
- Colin Clarke (Concert Band)
- Shelley Jagow (Concert Band)
- Dr. Angela Schroeder (Concert Band)
- Dr. Nicole Lamartine (Concert Choir)
- Jennifer Lang (Concert Choir)
- Scott Leitheid (Concert Choir and Vocal Jazz)
- Francis A. Ouimet (Concert Choir and Vocal Jazz)
- Darmon Meader (Jazz Choir)
- Mark DeJong (Jazz Band)
- Ben Henriques (Jazz Band)
- Carmella Luvisotto (Jazz Band)
- Shana Wolfe (Dance)
2022 Festival Staff:
- Dr. Scott MacLennan (Concert Band)
- Dr. Robert Ambrose (Concert Band)
- Allan McMurray (Concert Band)
- Dr. Robert Taylor (Concert Band)
- Dr. Jacquie Dawson (Concert Band)
- Robert Spittal (Concert Band)
- Dinah Lindberg Helgeson (Concert Choir)
- Dr. Andrea Ramsey (Concert Choir)
- Kathleen Allan (Concert Choir)
- Scott Leitheid (Concert Choir and Vocal Jazz)
- Bruce Cable (Concert Choir)
- Kim Nazarian (Jazz Choir)
- Darmon Meader (Jazz Choir)
- Kevin Lee (Jazz Ensemble)
- Joel Gray (Jazz Ensemble)
- Steve Kaldestad (Jazz Ensemble)
- Dennis Esson (Jazz Ensemble)
2019 Festival Staff:
- Craig Winter (Concert Band/Drumline)
- Andy Collinsworth (Concert Band)
- Allan McMurray (Concert Band)
- Jacquie Dawson (Concert Band)
- Dr. Angela Schroeder (Concert Band)
- Colin Clarke (Concert Band)
- Dr. Gary Weidenaar (Choral)
- Scott Leithead (Choral)
- Kellie Walsh (Choral)
- Katy Luyk (Choral)
- John Chalmers (Choral)
- Frank Lee (Choral)
- Dorothy Dyck (Choral)
- Tom Van Seters (Jazz Band)
- Ray Baril (Jazz Band)
- Craig Brenan (Jazz Band)
2018 Festival Staff:
- Robert Ambrose (Concert Band)
- Erin Bodnar (Concert Band)
- Gordon Brock (Concert Band)
- Robert Spittal (Concert Band)
- Rob Taylor (Concert Band)
- Brad McDavid (Concert Band)
- Katy Luyk (Choral)
- Elise Bradley (Choral)
- Carrie Tennant (Choral)
- Frank Lee (Choral)
- Allison Girvan (Choral)
- Joel Gray (Jazz Band)
- Jodi Proznick (Jazz Band)
- Jerrold Dubyk (Jazz Band)
2017 Festival Staff:
- Barry Valleau (Concert Band)
- Larry Gookin (Concert Band)
- Shelley Jagow (Concert Band)
- Don Owens (Concert Band)
- Mark Lane (Concert Band)
- Jacquie Dawson (Concert Band)
- Chee Meng Low (Concert Band
- Dean Mcneill (Jazz Band)
- Fred Stride (Jazz Band)
- Ray Baril (Jazz Band)
- Scott Leithead (Choral)
- Dominic Gregorio (Choral)
- John Chalmers (Choral)
- Frank Lee (Choral)
- Allison Girvan (Choral)
2016 Festival Staff:
- Barry Valleau (Concert Band)
- Allan McMurray (concert band)
- Gary Green (Concert Band)
- Robert Taylor (Concert Band)
- Fraser Linklater (Concert Band)
- Robert Spittal (Concert Band)
- Christin Reardon MacLellan (Concert Band)
- Chee Meng Low (Concert Band))
- Robert Ambrose (Concert Band)
- Jerrold Dubyk (Jazz Band)
- Jared Burrows (Jazz Band)
- Craig Brenan (Jazz Band)
- Allison Girvan (choral)
- Carrie Tennant (choral)
- Lhente-Mari Pitout (choral)
- Kathleen Luyk (choral)
- Lisa Ward (choral)
- Scott Leithead (Choral)
- Benila Ninan (Choral)
- Frank Lee (Choral)
2015 Festival Staff:
- Larry Gookin - Central Washington University (concert band)
- Allan McMurray - University of Colorado (concert band)
- Mark Lane (concert band)
- Don Owens(concert band)
- Chee Meng Low (Concert band)
- Carrie Tenant (choral)
- Scott Leithead - Kokopelli Choir Director (choral)
- Jennifer Riley (choral)
- Jennifer Moir (choral)
- Jared Burrows (Jazz Band)
- Brad Turner (Jazz Band)
- Dave Robbins (Jazz Band)
2014 Festival Staff:
- Larry Gookin - Central Washington University (concert band)
- Allan McMurray - University of Colorado (concert band)
- Dr. Gillian MacKay - University of Toronto (concert band)
- Robert Taylor - UBC (concert band)
- Gary D. Green - University of Miami (Concert band)
- Jonathan Girard (Concert band)
- Scott Leithead - Kokopelli Choir Director (choral)
- Chandelle Rimmer (choral)
- Scott Goble (choral)
- Raymond Baril (Jazz Band)
- Craig Brenan (Jazz Band)
- Dean McNeill (Jazz Band)
2013 Festival Staff:
- Scott Leithead- (Choral), Kokopelli Choir Director
- Lhente-Mari Pitout- (Choral), South Africa Director World Youth Choir
- Fred Stride- (Jazz Ensemble), UBC Director of Jazz Bands
- Ray Baril- Grant McEwan University of Edmonton
- Allan McMurray- Conducting Department Chair, University of Colorado
- Don Owens (Concert Band), Director of Jazz Studies, Northwestern University
- Larry Gookin (Concert Band), Director of Band University of Central Washington
- Angela Schroeder (Concert Band), University of Alberta
- Dennis Beck (Concert Band), Master Educator, University of Toronto
- Dr. Mark Hopkins (Concert Band), Associate Professor, Acadia University
2012 Festival Staff:
- Mr. Don Owens- Director of Jazz Studies, Northwestern University
- Dr. Rob Taylor- Director of Bands and Assistant Professor UBC
- Dr. Gillian MacKay- Associate Dean, Graduate Education University of Toronto
- Ms. Catherine Glaser Climie- Founder, the Calgary Cantare Children's Choir
- Mr. Larry Gookin-Director of Bands, Central Washington University
- Mr. Allan McMurray- Conducting Department Chair, University of Colorado
- Fred Stride- Senior Sessional Lecturer, Director Jazz Ensemble UBC
- Special guest artists Allen Vizzutti and Epsilon